Wednesday, September 08, 2004

The supposed-to-be-fun holiday...

What did i do these past 2 weeks? nothing. i basically wasted 2 weeks worth of holiday doing nothing(sleep, eat, and a couple of family bbqs) except for some little things(went out for movie once, that's all..). Puteri Gunung Ledang movie basically pwns every other malaysian movie imo. The quality if the video is definitely top notch, and the acting = effective. They did copy some scenes from LOTR and the matrix though, it's so obvious hahaa. one thing that i didn't like is the jokes, it seems to me that the jokes are contrasting with the movie. i mean, the jokes looks like modern age jokes, and the movie is supposed to be the 16th century =\. Other than that, it's a good movie :)

The next Malaysian movie in my must-see list is Sepet. It looks promising. And the concept(inter racial love) is totally Malaysian since we are a multi cultural country after all :). We'll see how the movie goes when it's out in theaters.

*wth im a movie critic in this post..*


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