Thursday, August 11, 2005

Life part 1

Lets see what I have done over the past few days:


Now lets see what they are.

A piece of 48 by 48 inch paper.

The whole process to finish this one took about 5~6 hours, since it's fugly. Something better surely takes more than 5~6 hours.

A bag and two marker pen.

Next, lets compare the size of the paper and the bag.

A bag and a 48 by 48 inch paper.

7 pieces of 48 by 48 inch papers actually filled up almost the whole master room.

Yes, it fills up the entire room. Nub had to sleep elsewhere just because me and other roomies were each doing our own 7 pieces of sketch. Next week, we gotta do another one of the sketch. Yes, these are sketches. The real artwork is gonna be on a 48 by 48 inch canvas.

8 of these roughly translates to about 12 by 12 ft, or 192 by 192 inch, or 4.876 meters. Something this big are called mural, not sketches. Damn lecturer.

Now on to my flash video clip. Gotta finish it up fast.


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