Friday, September 16, 2005


Chatting with some random people you know over the internet used to be fun a year ago. Now it seems like chatting have lost it's "kick" to me. Chatting feels so empty. Ionno, probably talking bout the same old stuff everyday bore me fast. I need something new. Something fresh. Not the same stuff, over and over and over again. I dunno how many times we discussed about how we played pvp in RO, how lineage was awesome when we first played it, how stupid black and white game is, how we pwned noobs in dota, how che mat talked, how.... everything. It's basically the same thing everyday. It's time like this that makes me feel lonely and bored. Bleh.

I think I need some random weirdos to chat with. Hopefully weirdos with a nice picture collection. I can never get bored of pictures :)


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