Sunday, November 27, 2005

Weekend movies.

zathura was, um, hmm, so-so. well, honestly, it sucked. on the other hand, i never thought i'd say this, but hp:goblet of fire was nice. especially the dance part. hermione was cute, and the whole thing was, touching. poor hermione. :( that's the part i like most. harry vs dragon part, ugh, i hate harry. he isn't as good as others but yet he wins just because he's the hero :(

and nub sucks too. :)


At 3:22 AM, Blogger fubs said...

no, nub chickened out from seeing the movie. damn him.

At 3:17 AM, Blogger TheBurningPlant said...

I like the entrance where the france girls come in, if a girls do this to me. I do X-O

I like the one of the france girl where the gb of fire choose her, forgot her name. She look soo cute..>< plus when she talk english sounded like france, more cute... *gaze*


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